Campout Chronicles: Life at Boeheimburg 4 days from Syracuse-Duke

Syracuse students have been camping out for the Syracuse-Duke game for more than a week now. Ari Gilberg | Staff Writer
Boredom, mixed with freezing temperatures, tends to lead to some very interesting scenarios…
During my first shift the three of us in the tent were all bored. Clearly. How much fun could someone have in a tent? Outside? In the cold? On a Monday? This isn’t “Spongebob,” your IMAGINATION (*waves hands in front of face to somehow create a rainbow*) only goes so far.
So naturally we did what all kids of this generation do when they’re bored. We took out our electronics.
Unfortunately for my roommate Austin, his laptop died. So Austin does what any rationale lazy man does. He lies down and decides to watch “One Tree Hill” with our friend Olivia.
Let me correct that. He lies down and asks to read the subtitles while Olivia actually watches “One Tree Hill.” At this point he’s basically reading the script of “One Tree Hill” with some pictures.
Manliest thing a manly man could ever manly do.
After my three-hour shift ended I left to do some work, get a quick bite, and then came back at 7:30 p.m. for the overnight shift.
This time I was more prepared: two pairs of socks, uggs (yes uggs, this is clearly the second manliest thing a manly man could ever manly do), a long-sleeve shirt, a hoodie, a sweatshirt, a coat, and gloves.
I was actually relatively warm.
The night got off to a great start when out of nowhere my friends and I just burst out singing, “In the Jungle.” We simply felt it was too quiet, and we needed to cheer everyone up.
It got even better when some of our fellow campers started to join in.
Naturally we decide going a capella is fine and all, but what’s even better is if we simply blast the song as loud as possible from our laptop. Obviously we assume everyone would not only be okay with this, but grateful even.
Boy, were we…right. At the end of the song someone yelled “again” for an encore, so of course we obliged.
After we finished playing the greatest song in mankind for the second time, we decided to switch it up and play one of the greatest lyrical songs ever written. Clearly you all know I’m talking about, Rich Homie Quan’s “Type of Way.”
Break it down, Rich Homie Quan, “Is it because my homies rich you feel some type of way/Some type of way, make you feel some type of way.”
That’s just inspirational. Definitely boosted the morale here at Gate E.
But apparently we believed Rich Homie Quan ain’t got nothing on us, because for some reason we broke out an instrumental beat and started to freestyle.
And that is what happens when you mix boredom and freezing temperatures together.
After that all died down, we relaxed and watched Casino Royale. Somehow we were able to fall asleep, even after the temperatures dropped down to zero degrees.
Beat the cold. Beat Duke.