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Carpe diem: Check off what to accomplish before the world ends in 2012

Carpe diem: Check off what to accomplish before the world ends in 2012

The Mayans prophesied that the world will cease to exist in December 2012. This means there’s a little less than a year left before humanity kicks the bucket. But why let Doomsday loom over your head? Live and let live — complete Pulp’s bucket list of all you should do in ‘Cuse as the day of reckoning creeps close.


1. Road trip to Canada: Oh, Canada! What’s better than maple syrup, an accent and a low legal drinking age? That’s right, nothing.

2. Play one-on-one at Archbold Gymnasium with an SU baller: It’ll give you just enough time to brag to the boys back home about sinking a half-court shot over Fab Melo.

3. Wednesday Open Mic Night at Funk ‘n Waffles: You may not have the safety net of auto-tune, but you can’t sound worse than Rebecca Black.

4. Streak at a basketball game: It’s all about having fun, and who cares about legalities? Just make sure to run fast enough.

5. Participate in a flash mob: Forget stage fright, break the routine and bust a move. It’s guaranteed to give you a shared sense of exuberance.

6. Kiss your crush on the kissing bench: You won’t ever see that person again so just go for it.

7. Do the challenge at Mother’s Cupboard Fish Fry and Diner and/or eat a fretta at Stella’s Diner by yourself: Give up watching your figure and enjoy the biggest breakfasts this city has to offer. It can be a nice hangover cure for No. 9.

8. Sled down Crouse College Hill: Steal a dining hall tray, trek up to the Harry Potter-esque building and hope for the best. Seriously, good luck.

9. Party with your professors: You know you have at least one professor who was a wild one in his or her youth. Might as well rage.

10. Start your own student organization: The possibilities are endless — Pole Dancing Club, B.A.G. (Bagel Appreciation Group), Students for a Sexier America and more.

11. Sit on Abraham Lincoln’s lap: When else will you have the chance to get up close and personal with a former U.S. president?

12. Sneak up to the Crouse Chimes and ring the bells: Sneak on up there and wake up the campus with your rendition of Celine Dion’s ‘My Heart Will Go On.’

13. Bet big at Turning Stone Casino: Drain your bank account, drive out to the casino and put everything on black. Trust us.

14. Steal the letters of every greek sorority or fraternity house: Every house has them. Now your house can have all of them.

15. Meet Jim Boeheim or Chancellor Nancy Cantor: Now is your only chance to beg for a walk-on spot. Or to seize control as chancellor. Either one works.