3 movies to watch before Inauguration Day

Like it or not, this Friday Donald John Trump will be inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States. Now, I present this without comment. Whether you are excited or dreading the events of this Friday, the best way to prepare is to take a breath, calm down, and watch a movie. Here are a few movies that will get you ready:
Home Alone 2
There are a bounty of Trump cameos to choose from, but this is my all-time favorite. Here is a film that not only features our future commander-in-chief, but also has some other relevant themes such as undocumented persons — like Kevin — running around New York City, and two bandits who certainly could use health insurance with the injuries they undergo. This movie holds up surprisingly well, and it actually will still hit you right in the feels. Right. In. The. Feels.
The Dark Knight Rises
With all the protests, marches and rallies that are planned for this week, here is a film that features some of the most intense get-togethers in the history of cinema. This movie features the oppressed rising up against the system, and no matter which side of the aisle you fall on, it can’t help but feel relevant. More importantly though, this film features gratuitous shots of White House North, also known as Trump Tower. In fact, Donald Trump himself even lauded this film. Now this isn’t “The Dark Knight,” but it’s a worthy predecessor that’s worth a revisit in this time of uncertainty.
Beer for my Horses
Are you thinking “What the heck is ‘Beer for my Horses?'” I’d imagine so. I would wonder the same thing as well. But this is a classic film starring none other than Inauguration Day performer Toby Keith. Here is a man who, in his own words, “Won’t apologize for performing for our country or military.” If this film is screened for our country or military though, we’ll see if Toby holds up his word. “Beer for my Horses” is a strange, odd film, but in this time where everything is so tense, this oddity might just be a fun enough way to pass a few hours while laughing at the unquestionable absurdity of these few weeks.
Erik Benjamin is a sophomore television, radio and film major. His column appears weekly in Pulp. You can email him at ebenjami@syr.edu or follow him @embenjamin14 on Twitter.