IVMF, George W. Bush Institute collaborate for national summit
The Military Service Initiative branch of the George W. Bush Institute capped off a yearlong research project with the Institute of Veteran and Military Families at Syracuse University with a national summit in Dallas.
The research project studied leading practices in veteran-serving nonprofit organizations and the summit, held Feb. 18, was the second summit hosted by the Bush Institute’s Military Service Initiative.
Early in the spring of 2014, the IVMF and the Bush Institute partnered, “to identify 25 nonprofit organizations across the country representing a broad array of veterans’ service providers — housing, employment, education, wellness, financial assistance, wraparound services, etc. — focused both nationally and locally,” according to an SU news release.
The final outcome of the research was three educational toolkits, with nonprofit organizations, funders and veterans as recipients. The toolkits were aimed at giving its recipients information on how to best deliver their services. The summit highlighted the research and featured President George W. Bush speaking with veterans about the transition out of the military.