Former SU men’s lacrosse player Chase Scanlan arrested for DWI

Former Syracuse men's lacrosse player Chase Scanlan was arrested Sunday morning for driving while intoxicated with a suspended license. Courtesy of SU Athletics
Former Syracuse men’s lacrosse player Chase Scanlan was arrested Sunday morning in Irving, New York.
The Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Office reported that Scanlan was pulled over in his home town for a driving infraction, the County Sheriff said in a Facebook post. After pulling Scanlan over at 2:42 a.m. on Sunday morning, police found that Scanlan was driving with a suspended license. Police also alleged he was intoxicated and speeding.
The Post-Journal, a local paper from where Scanlan was arrested, first reported the traffic stop and arrest. The report said that the former lacrosse player was released from custody by the Hanover sheriff’s office. Scanlan is scheduled to appear in Hanover Court at a later date.
This marks Scanlan’s second arrest this year. He was first arrested in May on charges of criminal mischief while he was still on Syracuse’s lacrosse team. Once news broke of the incident, his teammates refused to practice alongside him. He later entered the transfer portal in July once Syracuse suspended him from “all athletic participation,” which barred him from playing for the rest of the season. Scanlan has yet to enroll at a college.