Dewitt, Manlius officials endorse Dana Balter

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We are all local elected officials, community leaders and committed Democrats in the towns of DeWitt and Manlius. We proudly endorse our friend Dana Balter for election to Congress in the 24th Congressional District. At a time when families in our community are struggling with the impacts of COVID-19 on our health and economy, Dana will work to ensure affordable healthcare for all, the creation of new jobs with fair pay and economic relief for those people who have been hardest hit by the pandemic.
In a community which treasures our parks, green spaces and natural resources, Dana’s election will help us enact laws and policies to reverse the threat of global warming and renew the protections for our clean air and water which have been gutted by President Donald Trump and Rep. John Katko.
We hope that residents of DeWitt and Manlius, and every other community in the 24th District, will join us in supporting Dana Balter, a candidate whose positions and values are in line with those of working and middle class families in central New York.
Ed Michalenko, DeWitt Town Supervisor
Sam Young, DeWitt Town Councilor
Kerin Rigney, DeWitt Town Councilor
Kerry Mannion, DeWitt Town Councilor
Karen Docter, DeWitt Town Councilor
Joseph Chiarenza, DeWitt Town Councilor
Angela Epolito, DeWitt Town Clerk
Sara Bollinger, Manlius Town Councilor
John Deer, Manlius Town Councilor
Elaine Denton, Manlius Town Councilor
Katelyn Kriesel, Manlius Town Councilor
Heather Allison Waters, Manlius Town Councilor
Linda Ervin, Onondaga County Legislator
Mary Kuhn, Onondaga County Legislator