SU will require all students, faculty to wear face coverings

SU is also installing new signage, including floor decals, to promote social distancing. Daily Orange File Photo
Syracuse University will require everyone on campus to wear face masks when in the presence of others and will institute social distancing guidelines for shared spaces, an SU official said Wednesday.
The guidance comes after SU faculty and staff began a phased return to campus Wednesday. Faculty returned after nearly three months of remote work due to the coronavirus pandemic. SU shifted to remote classes for the end of the spring semester and moved all nonessential campus work online.
The university will not provide guidance for every scenario that warrants a face covering but encourages people to wear a mask whenever possible, said Mike Haynie, vice chancellor for strategic initiatives and innovation, in an SU News release.
SU’s Environmental Health and Safety Services team will provide masks to students, faculty and staff via a mask request form, Haynie said. Any individual with an underlying health condition that prevents them from wearing a mask can request accommodations through the Office of Equal Opportunity, Inclusion and Resolution Services, he said.
The university is also installing signage, including floor decals, to promote social distancing and other public health measures, Haynie said. The signs will be concentrated around building entrances, dining centers and meeting spaces, he said.
Signage installation will “ramp up” as the fall semester, set to begin on Aug. 24, approaches, Haynie said. The fall semester will follow an accelerated timeline, and students will depart campus before Thanksgiving.
Haynie also provided updates about retrieving belongings from university housing.
Students can continue to collect their belongings until June 14, Haynie said. SU allowed students to return to campus to retrieve their belongings starting May 30. The university will box and store the belongings of any student unable to return to campus by June 14, he said.