Here’s how to move out of SU dorms, South Campus

The staggered move-out schedule will be released Tuesday at 5 p.m. Sarah Lee | Asst. Photo Editor
Syracuse University will provide a schedule tomorrow for students to move out of their Main Campus and Skyhall residence halls, the university announced Monday evening.
The staggered move-out schedule will be released Tuesday at 5 p.m., according to an SU News release. Students and families will be able to select a time to pick up items from dorm rooms through the MySlice housing portal.
SU detailed the housing updates hours after announcing that all classes will be moved online for the remainder of the semester due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.
The university decided to finish the semester online after Onondaga County confirmed its first case of the novel coronavirus Monday morning. SU said last week that it would suspend on-campus classes and transition to online learning through at least March 30.
The novel coronavirus causes COVID-19, a respiratory disease that has spread to at least 143 countries, infected at least 179,000 people and killed over 7,000. There are currently 950 confirmed cases of the virus in New York state, and 9 people have died.
Those living in South Campus apartments can retrieve their belongings through 9 p.m. on March 22, according to the release. Families who are unable to retrieve their belongings can fill out a form to have their items packed, stored and retrieved at a later date.
Any students who remain on campus should leave as soon as possible, the release states. Those who can not leave due to extreme circumstances can apply to stay on campus through the housing portal.
The university on Tuesday will provide free bus tickets to students traveling home to major cities like Philadelphia, Boston and Washington, D.C., according to the release.
On-campus dining centers will only provide grab-and-go food items, in compliance with recent restrictions from New York state, the release states. Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Monday that all restaurants, gyms and fitness centers in the state must close at 8 p.m. to curb the spread of the virus.