SA introduces bill for member resignation process

The resignation bill will address past discrepancies in the organization’s bylaws. Hannah Ly | Staff Photographer
Student Association introduced a bill Monday to enact an official resignation process for Assembly members.
If passed, the bill would require an official letter of resignation from members seeking to disaffiliate from the organization. The letter would only be considered valid if it contains a rationale and discloses the specific work the member did while in the position.
“This semester, we’ve had some people who have other activities they’re involved in, so they have to resign,” said David Bruen, SA Assembly member. “This is a way to make sure there’s a smooth transition process.”
Bruen said he hopes this bill will alleviate some of the problems SA has had in the past by clearing up any discrepancies in the organization’s bylaws.
Grace Johnson, chair of SA’s Judicial Review Board, said she believes the proposal is beneficial to her position.
“I oversee the legal aspects and make sure no one is fouling the bylaws,” Johnson said. “This will just help to validate cases of delinquent members.”
SA also elected Antonia Su as its new historian during the meeting.
Student Life Co-Chair John Jankovic created the position last semester to collect the history of SA through archives at Syracuse University Libraries. Su will create an online database to house the information digitally, Jankovic said.
Other Business:
- SA elected four members onto the Assembly under the College of Arts and Sciences.