Cornell student tests negative for coronavirus, 2nd being tested

There are currently no confirmed coronavirus cases in New York state or potential cases reported near SU’s campus. Daily Orange File Photo
A second Cornell University student is being tested for the new coronavirus, Cornell officials announced Friday.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention is awaiting results from the student’s laboratory tests. The student is currently in isolation and receiving medical treatment, according to the Cornell Daily Sun. It is unclear whether the student resides on Cornell’s campus.
Cornell announced last week that the CDC was testing another student who displayed symptoms of the novel coronavirus. The student’s test results came back negative.
Coronavirus, a respiratory disease, spreads through saliva and causes flu-like symptoms such as coughing, fever and shortness of breath. Health officials believe the disease originated in Wuhan City, China.
Syracuse University is about 50 miles away from Cornell’s campus. There are currently no confirmed coronavirus cases in New York state or potential cases reported near SU’s campus.
SU implemented a temporary travel restriction last week to China in response to the rapid spread of the virus, which the World Health Organization declared a global health emergency. Anyone who travels to China will not be allowed in any SU buildings or facilities for 14 days after returning to the U.S.