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November Hate Crimes

SU launches committees to implement #NotAgainSU demands

SU launches committees to implement #NotAgainSU demands

On Nov. 21, Syverud signed 16 of #NotAgainSU’s demands as written and made changes to the remaining three. Daily Orange File Photo

Syracuse University launched campus engagement committees Monday to encourage student involvement in the implementation of demands from #NotAgainSU and other student groups.

The committees will focus on nine areas, including safety and security, health and wellness and multicultural facilities, programs and services. The committees will offer feedback and provide insight into the implementation of students’ demands, according to an SU News release.

At least 17 racist, anti-Semitic and bias-related incidents have occurred on or near SU since Nov. 7. #NotAgainSU, a black student-led movement, presented a list of 19 demands for Chancellor Kent Syverud to meet in response to the incidents. International and Jewish students also submitted demands to the chancellor.

Syverud signed 16 of #NotAgainSU’s demands as written on Nov. 21 and made changes to the remaining three. He also signed international students’ demands and agreed to address concerns from Jewish students.

“As we work to advance the thoughtful, solutions-oriented recommendations offered by our students, we will need additional student input to support the effective implementation of each recommendation,” said Rob Hradsky, vice president for the student experience, in the release.

Students can sign up to participate in the committees through an online form. Committee members are expected to participate in conference calls and email exchanges over winter break, as well as gather for meetings during the spring semester, according to the form.

Participation in the committees provides students with a way to be directly involved in creating change on campus, Student Association President Mackenzie Mertikas said in the release.

SU created a tracker website that lists the demands of the three student groups along with the university’s progress in addressing them. The university is still in progress for meeting all but one of the demands, according to the tracker.