SU community members voice concerns about Ackerman Avenue assault

According to DPS crime logs, an assault was reported at 814 Ackerman Ave. at about 12:40 a.m. Saturday. Kai Nguyen | Staff Photographer
Syracuse University campus community members took to social media Monday and this past weekend to voice concerns about an assault reported along Ackerman Avenue early Saturday.
real talk fuck dps for downplaying what happened last night – a white girl pulled up to our party with a GUN and pistol whipped & terrorized my friends. At syracuse university. The place we all call “home”. I don’t think y’all understand the severity of how wild this is.
— CAY EASYYYY (@CDJx3) February 9, 2019
Thank you to all of you that have been concerned❤️This is the official statement about the events that took place Friday night.
— CAY EASYYYY (@CDJx3) February 11, 2019
@SyracuseU @SyracuseDPS As a parent of a Syracuse student of color I need answers. These are two very different accounts. Shouldn’t there be some warning to students of color to be vigilant while this is being investigated?
— Sonya Miaya (@sonyarob13) February 11, 2019
@SyracuseU @SyracuseDPS what’s this I hear of a white woman pulling up to a party with a gun and pistol whipping someone while terrorizing others? How is the situation being handled ?
— Sa$ha (@taylormone__) February 10, 2019
“Syracuse University does not identify a perpetrator’s race in these alerts in deference to previously expressed community concerns about racial profiling.”
I’m sorry, what?— Babylon_Moderate (@Babylon_Aleviat) February 11, 2019
1. It was racist
2. The campus itself is not incredibly inclusive of students of color, so also work towards fixing that SU
3. Protect your Black + Brown students – they’re there to learn, not be harassed— I AM THE CANDY (@TAJrani) February 12, 2019
I’m curious as to the difference between “racially charged” and just straight up “racist” and a simply put, “a hate crime.”
— Lauren Porter (@thelaurenline) February 12, 2019
Terrible situation took place at @SyracuseU.
But encouraged that student groups on campus are coming together to call the situation what it is. Racist and poorly managed by both campus DPS and Syracuse Police Dept.
— Marquise Francis (@theMarquiseF) February 12, 2019
This is a developing story and will be updated with additional reporting.
- Students circulate statement criticizing DPS, SPD handling of Ackerman Avenue assault
- SA condemns DPS response to Ackerman Avenue assault
- Woman with handgun assaults SU students, DPS says