University Union is bringing the man behind the Batman movies to SU

Thanks to his love of comic books, Michael Uslan's love for Batman began when he was a child. Courtesy of University Union
You either die a hero or live long enough to see your favorite character recreated on the big screen time and time again. Michael Uslan, the man who brought Batman to cinema, falls within the latter camp. He will speak at Syracuse University on April 21, University Union announced Sunday night.
Uslan will participate in a question and answer session with the audience following a 5:30 p.m. screening of Batman’s most recent film adaptation, “The Lego Batman Movie,” in HBC Gifford Auditorium. The February release rates as a 7.6/10 on IMDb, 90 percent on Rotten Tomatoes and 75/100 on Metacritic.
Comic books drew Uslan to Batman when he was a mere youngster. Now 65 years old, Uslan has made a career of making Batman movies. It started with Jack Nicholson and Michael Keaton in Tim Burton’s 1989 flick “Batman,” where Uslan was an executive producer. Since then, he’s worked as a producer on Christopher Nolan’s critically-acclaimed “The Dark Knight” trilogy, Zack Snyder’s relative flop “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” and “The Lego Movie.”
The accolades have rolled in for Uslan over the years. He’s got an Emmy. He won Comic Con’s lifetime achievement award, the Inkpot, in 2012. His memoir, “The Boy Who Loved Batman,” was published the year before.
Tickets go on sale online and at the Schine Box Office Monday morning at 11 a.m. They cost $5 and are available for the general public.