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Letter to the Editor

SU student raises awareness about Amnesty International

SU student raises awareness about Amnesty International

/ The Daily Orange

Amnesty International is an organization here on campus that fights to raise awareness about human rights and injustices around the world. One of our main initiatives this semester is the Write for Rights Campaign. At these events, we will be writing letters and helping to raise awareness about specific cases where individuals have not been able to express themselves freely or have had their freedoms revoked. Specifically, we will be focusing on Helen Knott, pleading with the Canadian government to preserve the ancestral lands of her people, Leonard Peltier, a Native American activist who is currently imprisoned, Eren Keskin, a lawyer in Turkey who spoke out against the government for its use of boy soldiers, and Ilham Tohti, a professor in China jailed for his efforts to unite Chinese communities. We will be hosting four events through the end of the current semester. The first Write for Rights event will be held on Wednesday, November 9 at 7 pm in Hall of Languages room 205. We encourage all students to attend, especially those who have an interest in advocating for human rights and justice.


Cassandra Cleary

Syracuse University ’18

Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs | Political Science & History