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Letter to the Editor

SU student expresses disappointment in SA financial board

SU student expresses disappointment in SA financial board

The real disappointment this past week hasn’t been UU or Fetty Wap’s absence at Juice Jam. The real disappointment is the Student Association Financial Board punishing UU and violating their own Financial Code. After Fetty Wap failed to show up for Juice Jam, UU sought to use that money originally allocated for Mr. Wap towards another concert in the semester, something I doubt many students would have a problem with. Instead, what we have, is Student Association blatantly violating their own Financial Code to punish UU.

According to the Carryover Policy in the Student Activity Fee Financial Code on page 6 “unused designated funds shall remain in an organization’s account until the end of the semester.” What this means is that according to SA’s own statutes, the money that was designated to UU to be used on Mr.Wap should still be UU’s to use this semester rather than being reallocated next Spring to every organization except UU, because technically, it has been unused. Instead, SA seemingly wants to punish UU for Mr. Wap’s absence despite the fact UU had no power on whether Mr.Wap would show up. UU could’ve made all the agreements in the world with Fetty Wap, but ultimately it was on him to show up, no one else.

Additionally, statutes aside, wouldn’t the real solution to this disappointment be allowing UU to put on a make-up show or put on an even better “Rock the Dome” or “Block Party/ Mayfest?” Students have voiced that they want a refund, and while unfortunately that’s not possible, what is possible is using the money that was supposed to go towards Fetty Wap to make either more or stronger concerts. Instead, students are left to suffer because of SA’s unconstitutional and ill advised decision. SA should let UU make this right by giving them the funds that they were rightfully allocated. SA is the problem here, not UU. The only ones who suffer are the students you are supposed to be representing. Do your job.

Charles Mastoloni ‘17 

Political Science and Policy Studies 

Renée Crown Honors Program