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Letters to the Editor

SUNY-ESF student responds to recent protest against Canada Goose jackets

SUNY-ESF student responds to recent protest against Canada Goose jackets

I read with interest the article about the protest against Canada Goose this past weekend. The manager of J. Michael Shoes was quoted as saying Canada Goose a “reputable company.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Canada Goose is duping consumers into supporting the cruel fur trapping industry in Canada, in which coyotes snared in steel-jawed traps can suffer for days before finally dying from blood loss, shock, dehydration, frostbite, gangrene and attacks by predators. Mothers desperate to get back to their starving pups will sometimes even try and chew off their own limbs to escape. Animals who don’t die from exposure, blood loss, infection or predators are often strangled, bludgeoned, stomped to death or shot in the head when the trapper returns. This is all legal, normal practice. Canada Goose is responsible for horrific animal cruelty, and I hope that people will choose another company that doesn’t contribute to so much suffering.

Ella Farmer, Conservation Biology student at ESF ’18