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Melanie Hicken

Melanie Hicken

Melanie Hicken

Asst. news copy editor, Asst. news editor, News editor

Spring 2006 – Spring 2007

The first time I walked through the bright red door of 744 Ostrom Ave., I had little idea what an effect it would have on my college experience. I can’t imagine the last two years of my life without the late nights and great friends that made up the adventure that is The D.O….

Andy: I’m so glad you joined this part of my life – it brought my two favorite things together and made this last semester my favorite so far. You have been my rock this year and kept me from going crazy on numerous occasions. You are such an incredible writer and will make a great Feature editor. I am so excited to see what you are going to do. I love you.

Dana: Everyone has that person that represents The D.O. for them. For me, that is you. My fellow West Coaster, my D.O. big, one of my favorite people at SU – the rest of college just won’t be the same without you. I will never forget our many fun times together. Good luck in Indiana!

Pledge: We started this crazy place together and there is no one else I would have wanted to share it with. From covering fires at 2 a.m. to calling the entire phone list TWICE and of course our awesome pup food runs, we have made a great team. You are such a fun person and one of the most genuinely nice people I have ever known. I am so glad to be handing over (yeah I said it) the reigns of news to you. Every time I hear sirens next semester, I will think of you.

Lesley: I still remember the night that Anna introduced me to you as someone to walk back to Flint with. Remember when you thought you were going to leave The D.O. before I did? It’s funny how things ended up. I can’t wait till we are both D.O. alums and we can hang out every night. And, oh, try to read the map better next time…

Katie: It’s hard to believe I used to be scared of you. You are such a fun, amazing person and I am so glad you are coming back from London! I can’t wait to spend many a night with you at Chucks…

Melissa: Oh little, I am so glad you decided to leave the hell of Pita Pit for the craziness that is The D.O. I have had so much fun this semester with you by my side. And don’t worry, we will spend lots of time together next semester! You are going to make a great news editor someday.

Laura: If it weren’t for you, I never would have worked at The D.O., so I owe you so much! I am so glad you drunkenly hired me! I miss our girl talk and ‘Rent’ sing-alongs.

Erin and Nicky: You two were so much fun to be an assistant with. I miss random spot news and chair spinning contests.

AJ: You are such a crazy kid and so much fun to work and hang out with. You have made an incredible EIC and know the paper is in good hands.

Susie: My fave California/D.O. girl: we have to hang out more next semester!

Dara: From 4A to The D.O. I love our long chats and fun times!

Matt: I am so glad we stole you from Opinion. Your contribution to News has been immeasurable this semester. Plus you are a hilarious drunk. But whatever you do, make sure your spell check is on.

Ethan: You have been an incredible managing editor. Thank you for helping to revitalize the paper I love.

Eddie: As much as we argue, I have enjoyed working with you.

Brian: I am looking forward to being ‘alums with still on staff significant others’ together.

Heath and Heather: My two favorite lightweights: enough said.

Jaimie: My fellow Copy freak: I’ve had fun defending you to sports.

Phozine: You guys are awesome. Thanks for all you do to make the paper look awesome and get people to read our words.

(315): You guys are so much fun! I always knew where to go in the office for a laugh.

Sports: You guys put out a great product and are fun at the same time. I will miss our funny arguments.

My 701 girls: Thanks for putting up with me never being around. I can’t wait for the fall in our awesome house.

Coffee: Thanks for keeping me going. I couldn’t have done it without you.

Beer pong: What crazy nights…You are missed.

Making the decision to leave was one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make. Being on campus next semester and not spending most of my waking hours with you crazy kids is going to be a strange adjustment. But I’ll still be around. Thanks for the memories…