Perspectives: ‘I think as it stands now there’s a barrier between cultures. As it is, we don’t need another one.’
‘I think as it stands now there’s a barrier between cultures. As it is, we don’t need another one.’
Brandon Mathieu
Senior child and family studies major
‘I believe that they shouldn’t build it. Even if they do, immigrants will find other ways to get across. I think we can find other ways to spend our money when we’re a country known for immigrants.’
Katie Garton
Freshman magazine journalism major
‘I think they could spend money on something else. It wouldn’t stop immigrants from finding ways to get here, but if anything it would make Americans feel safer.’
Chris Stoica
Freshman biochemistry major
‘It would definitely control immigration numbers. I think it’s a good idea, but it wouldn’t work completely.’
Deana Toussi
Freshman pre-med and psychology duel major
‘I think it’s sad that it’s escalated to this level … I believe it’s necessary for immigrants to go through a process for citizenship.’
Mia Adamowsky
Junior English and textual studies and international relations dual major
‘I don’t feel that illegal immigrants have that much of a negative effect on our country. A lot of times they take the jobs nobody else wants.’
Christina Lemonides
Sophomore political science major
‘As a Latin person, I feel that this country, this economy is built on people outside the nation. It really is a melting pot of many cultures.’
Fabricio Caro
Senior social work major
‘I think it’s a bad idea. Having people fenced in like animals is wrong. You shouldn’t treat people that way who want to come to your country.’
Tiffany Fuoco
Freshman undecided
‘I think it’s a good thing if they’re supposed to be coming to the country. If they want to come here, they should do it the right way.’
Allen Graham Jr.
Freshman aerospace engineering major