Hillel objects to publishing of previous Letter to the Editor
To The Daily Orange Editorial Board:
On Sept. 2 The Daily Orange published Collin Chambers’ Letter to the Editor written in response to a profile piece on Harel Rush, an SU student who chose to suspend his studies to join the IDF, which appeared in The Daily Orange on Aug. 28. In his letter, Chambers inaccurately labels Israel an “apartheid state” guilty of “genocide.” He goes on to claim that the article about Rush furthers the “racist Zionist narrative.”
Hillel at Syracuse University (“Hillel”) and the Hillel Jewish Student Union (“HJSU”) support every SU student’s right to exercise free speech and deeply values the multitude of opinions and perspectives voiced on our campus, but we condemn hate. Chambers’ inaccurate, offensive and inflammatory diatribe demonizes Israel with unsubstantiated claims and unchecked facts. Chambers’ Letter to the Editor is not appropriate for inclusion in a neutral, highly respected publication like The Daily Orange and has no place at a tolerant university like SU.
Hillel and the HJSU acknowledge the importance of the diverse narratives surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We invite dialogue about Israel and accept criticism of the Jewish homeland. However, we do not accept the hateful rhetoric featured in this recent publication and we respectfully ask that The Daily Orange Editorial Board retract the letter.
Hillel and the HJSU regard any loss of life on either side as tragic and hope that both parties will come to a peaceful, long-lasting and satisfactory resolution to this conflict soon. We hope and pray for Harel’s safety and look forward to his return to Syracuse, if and when that may be his plan.
Brian Small
Executive Director,
Hillel at Syracuse University
Zach Goldberg (’15)
Hillel Jewish Student Union
On behalf of the HJSU Executive Board