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Shafer discusses minor injuries after Day 7

Shafer discusses minor injuries after Day 7

Syracuse head coach Scott Shafer gave a few brief injury updates Friday after Day 7 of training camp.

Sophomore tight end Kendall Moore did not participate in practice due to an ankle sprain but should be back for practice Saturday, Shafer said.

Senior cornerback Joe Nassib’s separated shoulder will “probably take a couple of weeks” before he returns, Shafer said, and senior defensive tackle Ryan Sloan has a “thing in his arm” and will be out of practice two or three days, give or take. The head coach didn’t want to give specifics on Sloan’s injury.

“Had some guys banged up,” Shafer said at the beginning of his press conference. “Learning how to play banged up, it’s a great learning lesson for these guys. I’m really pleased with the way they pushed through things today.”