Sigma Delta Tau sorority endorses Gresely, Lopez for SA presidential race
On behalf of the Sigma Delta Tau Omega chapter, we are proud to endorse Boris Gresely and his running mate, Daniela Lopez, for presidential and vice presidential candidates of the Student Association 58th Session. As a sorority, which recently received an award from the Student Association for philanthropic participation, Sigma Delta Tau strives to provide service projects, educational programs and fund raising campaigns for the benefit of Prevent Child Abuse America. We feel that Boris and Daniela share our beliefs and can lead our campus in the right direction.
We are proud to stand behind Boris and Daniela’s platform of “An Alliance for Change” because it stands to improve the initiative of the Student Association and make it a place for more student involvement, emphasizing a key point in their election platform: to reconnect the students with the Syracuse community.
They have been involved in the association since their first weeks at the university. Boris has served as an assembly representative of his home college, Arts and Sciences, and Daniela as the chair of her home college, David B. Falk School of Sport and Human Dynamics, and as the University Senate. Both candidates have seen the organization go through periods of good and bad policy and felt it gave them an opportunity to unite and create an alliance to fix the issues they have experienced.
As SA president, Gresely differs from the other candidates. He plans on bringing the Syracuse community closer together by creating a Student Affairs Summit, where different leaders on campus will come together and discuss issues they feel are the biggest concerns of the SU community.
In addition, Lopez has been working with the SU Abroad center, as well as the Slutzker Center, to integrate students who are interested in learning about other cultures. She is also working on an incredible bike initiative that will bring great energy to SU.
Aside from their ambitious plans for SU, Boris and Daniela are ideal candidates because they share a deep love for the university. They are outstanding leaders with a passion and drive for change that is unmatched by the other candidates.
Therefore, on behalf of the Sigma Delta Tau Omega chapter, we would like to officially endorse Boris Gresely and Daniela Lopez for president and vice president of the Student Association 58th Session.
Sigma Delta Tau, Omega chapter
Syracuse University