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Student Association

Assembly elects members, discusses trash can initiative

Assembly elects members, discusses trash can initiative

Stephen DeSalvo, SA comptroller, speaks to the student assembly at Monday’s meeting, which involved electing four new members and filling six vacant positions. Ali Mitchell | Staff Photographer

The Student Association elected six new student assembly members and discussed an initiative to put trash cans on Euclid Avenue at its Monday meeting.

The meeting, which took place in Maxwell Auditorium at 7:30 p.m., included a presentation for trash cans on Euclid Avenue and the election of new student assembly members.

The assembly listened to a presentation about the ongoing project to introduce trash cans. Syracuse University initially reached out to SA, and has been working with Vice President Duane Ford on the initiative.

Kate Hammer, community relations associate at SU’s Office of Government and Community Relations, told the assembly both students and permanent residents have been requesting trash cans for several years.

Hammer said students in a College of Visual and Performing Arts industrial design course will design two or three prototypes of potential trash cans this semester.

She said the plan is to test out the prototypes during the winter to make sure they can withstand the winter conditions. If all goes as planned, the new trash bins would be unveiled in fall 2014.

Hammer said the initiative could also serve as a public art program, with local artist Brendan Rose designing the outside of each trash can.

Each trash bin would cost $1,800, and the current plan is to place eight trash cans along Euclid Avenue, between Comstock Avenue and Westcott Street.  

In addition to funding, Hammer said they will still need to establish trash pickup for the trash cans from Monday-Friday. She also said community groups that support the project would need to be informed as the initiative progresses.

“It’s really about everyone working together, and making the neighborhood more attractive and have less litter,” Hammer said.

During the elections at the meeting, SA filled six positions.

Eric Evangelista, a freshman fashion design major, was elected as a representative for VPA.  Evangelista said he wanted to try and engage students who don’t usually participate in campus events.

“I want to help people get involved, especially those who wouldn’t typically be able to get involved for whatever reason,” he said.

Dan Hernandez, chair of the Board of Elections and Membership, said Evangelista showed a willingness to engage a wide variety of students.

“Eric talked in his interview about wanting to get students who are too busy or not interested in student government involved, and wanting to give them a voice in student government,” Hernandez said.

Four new student assembly members were elected to fill seats representing the Martin J. Whitman School of Management. Malik Evans, Philip Kramer, Evan Ronen and Katie Hochrein were all elected to the assembly. Each representative is a freshman.

With the election of four new Whitman representatives, all the Whitman seats on SA are filled.

Finally, Jin Kim, a junior environmental studies major, was elected as a representative for the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry.

Kim said she wanted to strengthen the bond between SU and ESF.

“It’s a unique opportunity where they share a campus and events,” Kim said. “There are benefits of knowing what’s going on at both schools.”

Hernandez said Kim showed she’s comfortable navigating both campuses. He cited Kim’s involvement with organizations on both SU and ESF campuses.