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Here’s a timeline of the mumps outbreak at Syracuse University

Here’s a timeline of the mumps outbreak at Syracuse University

Syracuse University Health Services has been isolating students that contract the disease. Alexandra Moreo | Photo Editor

UPDATED: Friday, Nov. 24, at 10:37 a.m.

Mumps, a highly-contagious airborne disease, broke out at Syracuse University at the end of August. Since then, more than 70 students have been affected.

Here’s a timeline of the mumps outbreak so far:

End of August

SU officials confirm one student has contracted mumps

Sept. 5

Students who may have been in contact with the infected student receive an email notification

Sept. 21

Campus-wide email notifies SU community of mumps outbreak after second student contracts the disease

Sept. 28

An additional two students are infected, bumping the number of confirmed cases to four. The university announces that the Onondaga County Health Department ordered SU to “exclude” 17 students without proper vaccination records beginning Oct. 2

Oct. 2

Students without vaccination records are excluded from campus at 8 a.m.

Oct. 6

The university confirms eight students have contracted the mumps

Oct. 9

SU sends a campus-wide email announcing 14 students have contracted the disease

Oct. 11

The health department and SU officials hold a press conference on the mumps outbreak, clarifying that there are actually 13 confirmed and five probable mumps cases

Oct. 13

Confirmed mumps cases: 22

Probable cases: 19

Oct. 16

Confirmed cases: 24

Probable cases: 26

Oct. 17

Confirmed cases: 24

Probable cases: 27

Michele Wheatly, SU’s vice chancellor and provost, sent an email to faculty asking them to extend assignment deadlines and provide make-up exams for students infected with the mumps

Oct. 18

Confirmed cases: 24

Probable cases: 33

Oct. 19

Confirmed cases: 27

Probable cases: 33

Oct. 20

Confirmed cases: 27

Probable Cases: 45

Oct. 23

SU announces it will hold clinics to provide students with a third dose of the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine.

Oct. 24

Confirmed: 27

Probable: 52

Oct. 25

Confirmed: 27

Probable: 55

Oct. 27

Confirmed: 29

Probable: 61

Oct. 30 

Confirmed: 29

Probable: 64

SU announces it will hold another clinic to provide additional students with a third dose of the mumps vaccine.

Oct. 31

Confirmed: 29

Probable: 66

Nov. 2

Confirmed: 34

Probable: 73

Nov. 3

Confirmed: 37

Probable: 74

Nov. 6

Confirmed: 37

Probable: 76

SU announces four additional measles, mumps and rubella clinics.

Nov. 9

Confirmed: 39

Probable: 77

Nov. 13

Confirmed: 41

Probable: 78

SU announces “Bump the Mumps” health awareness event.

Nov. 22

Confirmed: 45

Probable: 81