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Letter to the Editor : ‘Perspectives’ answer racially insensitive

Letter to the Editor : ‘Perspectives’ answer racially insensitive

I’m writing in regard to the Oct. 28, Page 17 Perspectives question, ‘What are you dressing up as for Halloween?’ I found it to be in really bad taste that The Daily Orange allowed the response ‘I’m going to be a Native American’ to be published in the newspaper. The native population on campus is very small but very close-knit, and we constantly struggle with stereotypes and try to inform people when it’s necessary, and this is such a time. I feel like putting this into The D.O. is a real step backward. I was really happy with The D.O. on the articles it did on our Columbus Day event, which we had on the Quad, and I thought the coverage was really well done, accurate and culturally sensitive. This, however, is not. I’m disappointed. There are a lot of students who may have seen this article and said, ‘Haha, that’s funny, a Native American.’ It’s almost like you’re promoting it in a way. Please try and be more culturally sensitive in your articles from now on. It would have been really easy to just ask someone else what he or she wanted to be and not publish this in the ton of newspapers around campus. And to students on campus: Halloween is over, but please keep it in mind for next year. We know we’re fighting a really one-sided battle here, but every little bit helps.

Brianna Carrier

Geography and policy studies major