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View Dimon’s presentation as opportunity to gain valuable insight

View Dimon’s presentation as opportunity to gain valuable insight

I am keenly aware of one of the key roles of a university — namely, to inform and engage public opinion and debate. The selection of Jamie Dimon, chairman and chief executive officer of JPMorgan Chase & Co., as the 2010 commencement speaker brings to the forefront this important role, as Mr. Dimon is a key player in one of the most heated topics in public debate, not only in the United States but around the world — namely the structure of the financial industry. 

As head of a major financial services company, I believe that Mr. Dimon has a unique and experienced view to share of the complicated structures that support the global economy, particularly in light of the current economic climate and the dramatic changes that have occurred in the financial industry over the past year or two. Having access to the thoughts of such a prominent leader at this volatile time in the business and financial industries can only be seen, in my opinion, as a unique learning opportunity for us all.
We will hear directly from someone who has led a distinguished career in the financial services industry, and who will be a key player in helping to resurrect the economy in our country and abroad.

For these reasons, I suggest that those of you who take issue with the selection of Mr. Dimon consider his presentation as an opportunity to gain more insight so that you may become a more informed participant in the public discourse.

Elizabeth D. Liddy
Dean School of Information Studies