Duck: Micaela Warren

Yiwei He | Illustration Editor
My favorite part of working at The Daily Orange has been the amazing people that fill this place and run this paper everyday, here are some:
Julia & Rainu: I never imagined when hiring two assistant editor’s that they would become two of my best friends. Whether listening to Taylor Swift in the Op room, driving around trying to find a place open for coffee or gossiping about our personal lives, it’s always a great time. I told you both I hired you on “vibes” but the two of you have blown me away with your work ethic and abilities to make anything fun, even when it’s midnight and we’re waiting for a writer to respond. You’ve both had my back this semester, even when I made mistakes and I could not have been Op editor without you.
Rainu, good luck being the next head editor for this section, I know you will make this section your own and blow us all away. Julia, I can’t wait to see you continue to thrive at the DO and come see you in NYC this summer.
Nate: I honestly couldn’t imagine going through my first semester in-house with anyone else. Seeing you become the Opinion editor with no in house experience and lead a completely new team, genuinely impressed me every day. Every night we spent in the Op room together was a great time. I always looked forward to prodo with you and thank you for always driving me home. I know you’re gonna continue to do amazing things, I can’t wait to watch your music (and TikTok!) career takeoff. Thank you for making me become Op editor, I seriously never would’ve applied for it without your persistent asking. Even though I’ll never forgive you for making the job look so easy.
Jasmine: I know we’re bonded over not being sappy people or sharing our feelings, but you’ve been here from the start and it’s meant the world to me. Thank you for always letting me rant about my long nights at the DO and being my best friend at college. Words can’t describe the way you’ve made this place home. You have seen it all, from my first column that you hung up on our wall to my last, you were the first person I told when I got the job as assistant editor and again I got the call that I was Op editor in your room. I know I can always come to you when I’m not feeling like myself and you’ll make me laugh or come to Dunkin’ with me. Your continued work ethic inspires me every day and I’m so happy that we became roommates, even though that word sounds wrong because you’re so much more than that to me. Thank you for always being there for me, I love you and our life together.
Francis: Though minimal, all of our interactions this semester have made me laugh. You’re one of the funniest and kindest people I’ve met at the DO and definitely the best dressed. Goodluck with all of your endeavors after this, I know you’ll do great and always have fire outfits.
Max: This isn’t goodbye because hopefully you’ll send me photo assignments next semester (please don’t transfer). I know you’ll do an amazing job as photo editor, your photographs are some of the best I’ve ever seen and you’re really gonna make the DO house a home next semester. Whether buying snacks or plants, you’re gonna make this place great.
Emily Rosakranse: You’re my best friend and biggest supporter and I can’t wait to spend the summer with you.
Anthony: I’ve had many amazing moments working for the DO, but meeting you will always be my favorite. You walked into the Op room on such an ordinary night but made it one of the most fun nights here. You’ve continued to make every time I see you the most fun and can make me laugh in any scenario. Whether you’re singing in the car, talking to strangers or dancing in public, you make me happier than I ever imagined. Little did I know that the guy that walked in and asked me my biggest fear would eventually mean this much to me. Seeing your dedication to this paper has genuinely inspired me more than you’ll ever know. I know you think it bothers me that you literally live on Slack, but it never has. You’re single-handedly the reason I got through this semester. I never thought I’d actually like reading about women’s basketball, but every time you send me one of your stories I get so excited. You’ve spent the last semester saying “it’ll be over soon” or “just a couple more weeks” and I can’t believe it’s actually over, but I know it’s just the beginning for you and I can’t wait to see it. I know you’re gonna be some huge name in baseball writing one day and I just hope I’m there with you.
Mom, Dad, McKenzie & Matt: Thank you for always being a relief from school and DO work. I know I can always call you guys with any issue I have or might currently be overthinking. Mom, thank you for inspiring me to start writing in the first place, I never would’ve pursued writing if it wasn’t for watching your dedication and success growing up. Dad, thank you for always supporting me, even though I knew you hated some parts of the job (i.e. prisoners calling me at all hours of the day), thank you for never taking my phone number off the prison’s registered list even though I knew you wanted to. Mckenzie, thank you for never failing to make me laugh and never judging me, spending time with you is genuinely my favorite activity. I can’t wait to come home and go to Dolce with you. Matt, thank you for always being there for me and being the best older brother I could ask for.