United Society – Part 3

In order to properly reform a broken prison system, the coming generations need to be resilient in their pursuit of change. Daily Orange File Photo
Absence of Light is a project created in collaboration with incarcerated people in upstate and central New York. This is an account from Absence of Light Columnist Clifford Graham, who is currently located at Gouverneur Correctional Facility.
More is needed nowadays to deal with the single person than was required with a whole people in former times. Evolution has an infinite purpose, so who are we, “generation now?”
Who is bold enough to define our movement? A movement so colorful even rainbows would despise it. The shedding of fear, insecurities like dead snakeskin. Only those who are present will recognize this adventure. We need no historian to remind us that the path has been reborn. The structure of this new system just took on a different form.
If you ask the people where they come from, it will reveal to you where they’re headed. Someone said, “He who travels alone travels the fastest, but he who travels with others travels the farthest,” — a message for those who’ve reached their destination but fail to show others the way.
This movement of destiny carries many stories untold. From the little girl robbed of her innocence, to the little boy forced to become a man. We drink from our tears in moments of dehydration. Share bottles of pain with our closest neighbors for the purpose of motivation.
What burden is there to bear when life transforms by the second? She says it’s worth it, he says it’s unfair — either way you’re forced to choose your weapon. If the aim is to be queen, show qualities of a princess. If he is not yet fit to be king, the manners of a prince until death.
I have awoken from a deep slumber to find my generation in position. Whispers of united society, a call to an infinite mission.
Clifford Graham, #15-B-2973. He can be reached at JPay-Inmate Tablet Program via email for any opinions, comments or wise counsel. He is currently at Gouverneur Correctional Facility, soon to be transferred.