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Ensure you’re Pushin’ ‘P’ with these student course recommendations

Ensure you’re Pushin’ ‘P’ with these student course recommendations

From “too easy” to “P power,” these course suggestions are organized by how well they relate to tracks from Gunna’s recently-released album, “DS4EVER.” Jiaqi (Estelle) Liu | Asst. Illustration Editor

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Now that the spring 2022 semester has begun, students may be rethinking the schedule they chose last fall. Don’t think your classes are “P?” Here are some student recommendations for courses you should try to swap into before the add deadline, categorized using songs from Gunna’s new album, “DS4EVER.”

“so far ahead > empire”

On this track, Gunna raps about becoming a rich man and putting in the work to make his dreams a reality by using his voice. Try speaking them into reality with CRS 325: Presentational Speaking.

“It really helped me speak more and definitely put me out of my comfort zone, which is something you want classes to do for you,” said Ebony Zapata, a senior. “I managed to deliver speeches and it helped me a lot with the way I communicate with people now.”

“too easy”

Need something easy to boost your GPA? With these two social science courses, you’ll have more free time and blasting “too easy” on repeat during finals week while your peers are drowning in exams and final projects.

“(PSY 205 is) a really ‘easy A’ kind of class, and really simple assignments. And I really like the professor who’s teaching it so far,” senior Lilly La said.

Samantha Meir, a sophomore, suggested the anthropology course ANT 121: Peoples and Cultures of the World.

“(The course) is really easy. There’s a good amount of reading, but the tests are like open note. And it’s actually really interesting, because (the professor) brings in guest speakers. And everyone actually does really well in that class.”

“P power”

Celebrate the strength of women the way Drake and Gunna do on “P power” by adding PSC 300: Black Feminist Politics.

“It’s a really interesting, discussion-based class. All of the readings are really interesting and highlight different elements of feminism and intersectionality,” said Mame Fatima Ndiaye, a senior. “The professor is really cool and engaging, (and the class) keeps you on your toes whether it’s on Zoom or in-person.”

“south to west”

Interested in foreign cultures or governments and how they interact? These two political science classes will help scratch that itch by exposing you to parts of the globe that stretch nearly as far as Gunna’s money.

The first is PSC 124: International Relations. Jenna Lopes, a sophomore, said that it was one of her favorite electives.

“The workload was light. And it’s fun, and the professor is super nice.” Lopes said.

For freshman Brenda Martinez, PSC 123: Comparative Government and Politics was a highlight of her fall semester.

“If you attended the lectures and the sections, you were pretty much set for the test,” Martinez said.

“thought i was playing”

Finally, if you’re more of a second-half-of-the-semester student who loves a good comeback, try out MGT 248: Managing and Leading People in Organizations, a recommendation from sophomore JJ Oh. It’ll have you ready to silence any doubters by the time the Syracuse snow melts away and spring flowers grace the promenade again.

“I was struggling in the beginning, but made it to the end,” Oh said. “It was a fun class too!”

Ahmed Mahmoud, a junior, recommended IST 195: Information Technologies for those looking to dive deep into information management. Mahmoud specifically recommended Professor Rubin, who teaches the course’s section this semester on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:30-10:25 a.m.

“He taught it really well, (and I) learned a lot about technology and what not,” Mahmoud said.
