Freshmen launch clothing brand to use academic skills for ‘Grater’ purpose

The creators behind Grater Things don't take things too seriously. In fact, one of the founders, Aidan Turner (right), once made jokes about stinky cheese on his "finsta." That same state of mind prompted them to create their minimalist logo. Chenze Chen | Contributing Photographer
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Aidan Turner and Peter Permanente don’t take things too seriously. Turner used to have a fake Instagram, known as a finsta, where he made jokes about stinky cheese. So when the two Syracuse University freshmen were designing a logo for their clothing brand, Grater Things, they went with a cartoon cheese grater.
“It’s not super serious,” Turner said. “It’s just a simple thing. I designed it, and I was like, ‘We’re just gonna roll with this. We’re gonna roll with it.’”
The minimalist cartoon cheese grater — which pays homage to Barstool Sports’ simple stool logo — acts as a pun for Grater Things.
Turner and Permanente found each other while leafing through the SU Class of 2024 Facebook group. Soon after becoming roommates in September, the two started the clothing company and have grown since then by completing over 100 orders and launching their website. Products from Grater Things are available on their website, ship within the U.S. and can be picked up on the SU campus.
“Over the winter break we have gained like 150 more,” Turner said. “It’s crazy how much it’s grown and we’ve hit 100 successful orders.”
Both Turner and Permanente utilize aspects of their majors for their company. As an architecture major, Turner designs the sweatshirts while Permanente, a computer science major, handles the website and other technical aspects of the brand.
The products available on Grater Things’ website are sweatshirts and wall prints. Chenze Chen | Contributing Photographer
Permanente launched the company’s website in January after using skills that he learned in his intro to computing course to build the website.
As of now, their website only offers sweatshirts and wall prints, but Turner and Permanente plan to expand their merchandise. Turner has more designs in the works for new masks, workout tank tops, T-shirts, different sweatshirts and more.
Each sweatshirt is currently made in Rhode Island, by one of Turner’s hometown friends. However, as their brand grows, they have plans to invest in their own equipment to make the sweatshirts.
SU freshman Abbie Bender was introduced to the clothing brand through word-of-mouth while living on the same floor as Permanente and Turner in Shaw Hall.
“I think they do $30 for crew necks which I think is pretty good,” Bender said. “Because honestly, there’s so many sweaters that are like $50 for a crew neck. That’s too expensive.”
To promote their brand, Turner and Permanente post on their social media to spread the word about Grater Things. Permanente shared how they are planning on buying online ads business and targeting them to the Syracuse community.
“We’re gonna try and target it to Syracuse just specifically right now,” Permanente said. “And I think we’re just gonna take it from there.”
Currently, Grater Things is running a charity promotion where $10 from certain purchases are donated to a charity of the buyer’s choice, Turner said. Customers are able to choose between a blue or pink sweatshirt and are given the choice between different embroidered colors.
“That’s definitely a really unique thing that’ll help us out, but also helps the charities that we donate money to,” Turner said. “If this charity is successful, then I have absolutely no problem with continuing the charity line.”