These riots are an awakening for America

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Thousands of pro-Trump terrorists broke through the doors and windows of our nation’s Capitol building on Wednesday, threatening the lives of our congresspeople and those there to protect them. Many Democrats and Republicans alike urged President Donald Trump to stop the riots, but Trump, of course, sat in the White House in silence, as he was the one to incite them.
It is undeniable that, over his presidency, Trump has drastically deepened the division in the United States. Most recently, his commitment to sowing doubt in Americans’ minds about our voting systems. It is tragic but not surprising that his cult-like following resorted to violence to “stop the steal” of the 2020 election.
He incited the riots on Wednesday, and when they turned criminal, he merely tweeted at the mob to “remain peaceful” and “respect the Law.” At worst, he added fuel to the fire, calling these people “special” and thanking them for their dedication.
Trump has shown continuously he will stop at nothing to remain president for another four years, legal or not. He repeatedly asked Vice President Mike Pence to illegally claim him as the winner on the day of the riots. Trump’s chaotic messaging and baseless claims should not be overlooked, as they confuse and anger his supporters.
Wednesday’s breach of the Capitol, invoked by our own president, exposed the dark side of this country. But it’s not too late to fix the division in our country. A new administration is entering, and with that comes a new beginning. Talk to your fellow Americans, humanize them. Do not let the hateful fuel Trump has poured into our divisiveness continue to fester.
Hopefully, this will be an awakening for the people of this country. 2020 was a tough year for Americans, but it has also been a time for us to open our eyes and address the issues right in front of us. Both Democrats and Republicans condemned the actions of these terrorists on Wednesday. Let’s move forward together in 2021, building bridges across our divisions and avoiding the Trump-fueled hatred of the past four years.
Micaela Warren is a freshman communication and rhetorical studies major. Her column appears bi-weekly. She can be reached at