The D.O. wants to hear your experience protesting for racial justice

Katie Marcy | Digital Design Director
Protests against police brutality and institutional racism have spread this summer to nearly every city in the country. The Daily Orange is looking to amplify the voices of our readers to best document this historic moment as it unfolds.
We’re asking any and all Syracuse University and SUNY-ESF students who have participated in recent movements for racial justice and equality to submit 450 word essays detailing their experiences and perspectives. Incoming freshmen are encouraged to share their insight as well.
We’re also requesting that essayists submit a photo of themselves at protests and demonstrations to accompany their piece, if possible, though any personal photo would be sufficient. Submissions will be edited for brevity and clarity and will be shared in The Daily Orange’s Opinion section.
If interested, fill out this Google Form by July 17 to accept the assignment. Essays and photos are due for consideration of publication by or before July 24.
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