Eaton, Williams are best candidates for Student Association leadership

Courtesy of Morgan Eaton and David Williams
UPDATED: April 7, 2020 at 10:54 p.m.
Morgan Eaton and David Williams are driven by us. Our priorities are their priorities, and our concerns are their actions. They are the leaders that our student body needs. They are ready to enact compelling change and will propel the university community toward its highest caliber of inclusivity and diversity.
Eaton and Williams know how to make real and actionable change and understand the value in working with a team. They are running to represent and act with the student body because they are continuously uplifted by passionate students who are courageously fighting for bold action. Both candidates have served as elected officials in their respective hometowns in order to amplify the voices of their peers and neighbors.
Eaton and Williams embrace the unique and valuable impact that each student brings to campus. Both candidates are not only informed by their civic activism but also guided by their sincere desire to engage in meaningful dialogue with the community. Their Off-the-Hill Initiative, which motivates students to engage with the greater Syracuse community, shows their continued commitment to fostering lasting partnerships beyond campus.
Eaton and Williams’ priorities are wide-reaching and feasible. They have thorough, concrete plans of action for each of their initiatives and have identified the people, resources and organizations that will work alongside them to complete these initiatives with the utmost care and competence. Their platforms are comprehensive and cover an expansive area of campus. The creation of self-care workshops for first-year students, implementation of a student wellness section in all campus syllabi and continuing to support the Hendricks Chapel food pantry are just a few of the areas they aim to touch on in their health and wellness initiative alone.
Eaton and Williams have spent countless hours listening to and building relationships with dozens of members of the student body. They understand students’ concerns. Eaton and Williams are excited to partner with organizations, groups and individuals to enact change. They will be ready to hit the ground running on day one with allies from every corner of campus.
Morgan Eaton and David Williams are driven by a collective, inclusive and diverse vision for the next 150 years of Syracuse University. They are driven by you.
Rebecca Sereboff
Sophomore, Political Science and Citizenship and Civic Engagement
DISCLAIMER: Rebecca Sereboff works on Eaton and Williams’ campaign as one of their campus engagement chairs.