Former SA president supports chancellor’s response to racism

Karleigh Merritt-Henry | Digital Design Editor
Dear Editor,
I am writing to express my total and unwavering support of Chancellor Kent Syverud. The incidents on campus — which have transpired in the current weeks and in years past — are repugnant, inexcusable and are not representative of the feelings or attitudes of the overwhelming majority of individuals associated with Syracuse University.
Students, staff, faculty and alumni who have been affected by the hate speech proliferated on campus, as well as their allies, can and should call on the university administration to address these incidents and hold those responsible accountable.
Placing the blame on someone who is not in any way responsible for these incidents and who has actively repudiated them is unfair and irresponsible. Calling for the resignation of Syverud will not help the campus community heal nor will it alleviate the longstanding, systematic issues with which SU has had to contend.
I know Syverud better than most, and I can say with absolute certainty that there is no better vanguard against hate and bigotry. The campus community would do well to focus on identifying the perpetrators of these heinous displays of hate rather than identifying the chancellor as a scapegoat for their behavior.
Eric Evangelista
Former Student Association President ’17