Duck: Anna Henderson

Sarah Allam | Illustration Editor
As I often told people in-house, I had absolutely no ambition in this organization. I am just a Maxwell kid who wanted to meet some people and do a little design. I did not expect to fall in love with The Daily Orange in the way that I have. I am so thankful for the friends that I have made and the things I have learned from getting to be the smallest part of such an incredible institution. Thank you to everyone at The Daily Orange for giving someone with so little experience the opportunity to learn and for creating the most wonderful, loving space for me to grow. Here are some of the many people who make this house a home:
Allie S.: During the first month of freshman year you casually stopped by my room on your way home from The Daily Orange open house. Unknowingly, you changed the course of my college career.
Emma & Lucy: You are two of the most impressive designers that The Daily Orange has seen. Thank you for being so patient with me. I was constantly in awe of the talent and heart that you brought to The D.O. and can only hope to be half as great as you both one day. I’ll fill your water bottles anytime.
Alexas: You were the first people I met here, and I couldn’t have had a better MGMT team to show me what it means to love The Daily Orange even if you don’t want to pursue journalism
Ali: Thank you for quesadillas and everything bagel seasoning. That was the moment I really felt like I belonged here.
Rori: In response to your Duck, of course you’re invited to our wedding. I can’t wait to see you tearing up the dance floor.
Brooke: Thank you for always being ready to spill the tea and smash the patriarchy. See you soon at our second favorite house on Ostrom Avenue.
Sarah A.: I am so glad we had class together this semester. You are a shining light and your talent is unmatched. I cannot wait to see the stunning illos you will continue to produce.
Dabbundo: As fun as you are to make fun of, I always looked forward to the nights you worked in house. Thank you for bringing your energy and I hope you’ll quit Citrus someday soon.
KJ: Against all odds, you’re one of my favorite people from this semester. You’re an excellent writer and you have a stunning ability to capture the heart of those you are writing about. I’m sure you’re going to lead the sports section to great heights. Don’t be a stranger.
Maeve: I am so glad you have found a place here at The D.O.This house would have been so different without you this year. Thanks for always bringing snacks and sitting next to me in ANT 131.
Mackenzie: Thank you for being my Slack partner-in-crime. I’ll really miss commenting on every person that comes in Digital to you. Your passion for everything you do is going to serve you incredibly well in life. Please be sure to avoid tight pants.
Sarah S.: Thank you for putting up with me. It has been inspiring to watch you take on a far larger role than you signed up for and do it with grace and far fewer complaints than I would have had. If you’re reading this, follow @ihaveathingwithkicks on Instagram.
Amy: Oh sweet Amy, you are the most wonderful angel. I am so grateful for the chance to know you. You’re so freaking cool. I’m so proud of you and I cannot wait to see what you will do with Digital next semester. You are so talented and capable, do not doubt that.
Haley: My Ernie queen, thank you for entertaining me in those early hours of production last semester. You are humble, smart, funny, and one of the best people at The D.O. We are all so lucky to have you as EIC next year. You are going to be incredible.
Bridget: I am so beyond grateful I have had the chance to get to know you this year. You are a wonderful role model and friend. Thank you for answering my many frantic questions about design and being game for my Secret Santa tasks. I will miss you so much next year.
Susie: Oh queen, thank goodness you joined the D.O. this year. You’re the best little I could have and I can’t wait to see where life takes you. Thanks for being the only person in house who loves One Direction to the same degree as me.
Talia: The grace with which you have led the Digital section this semester is incredible. Your guidance and leadership have helped me grow so much as digital designer. You have created a legacy for digital design that will carry on for years to come and this paper is so lucky to have you. Thank you for being patient, trusting and understanding. You are an example for us all on how to be a staffer and a leader. I can’t not wait to see the incredible visuals you produce as PD, you were made for this job.
Kevin: Kev, working alongside you has been one of the greatest joys of my time at The D.O. You are so talented; I can’t believe you ever thought I would be hired over you. Thank you for picking up my FaceTime calls when I needed help. You bring so much to this paper and I cannot wait to see what you do with Digital next semester.
Colophon: A little shout out to the publication that inspired me to seek out design opportunities at Syracuse. This small, high school creative arts magazine taught me so much about leadership and work ethic. I am lucky to have had the opportunity to work at both these wonderful organizations. Thank you, Colophon, for everything, including leading me to The D.O.
Andy: Thank you for teaching me everything there is to know about The Daily Orange. Aside from embedded graphics, you taught me about D.O. tea, how to plan D.O. formal and what makes a good PUP food. I cannot imagine my time at The D.O. without you in it and I am so glad you stuck around this semester. Thank you screaming with laughter alongside me at whatever is funny that day. You have made 744 and Digital a home. I am so excited to watch as you take NYC by storm. Don’t forget about me when one of your tweets goes viral.
Gabe: You are one of the hardest working people I know, and this paper is lucky to have you. I am so grateful that we had the chance to be in-house together, even though it took you a while. Thank you for always making me smile. Thank you for being the reason I am no longer scared of the News room. Thank you for endless fist bumps. Thank you for proofreads. Thank you for Tuesday/Thursday lunches. Thank you for being one of my best friends. See you senior year. Word.
Molly: The bright light at the top of the stairs, my favorite person. I am so unbelievably lucky that you came into my life. I have come to love The D.O. largely because of your presence within it. You are hilarious, kind, talented and a little bit crazy. Syracuse would simply not be the same without you. I cannot wait to see where this world takes you and I hope that I’ll be alongside you for many more years to come.
Gillian: My soul sister. Even though you could never remember what days I worked, coming back to our room after long nights of production was a blessing. Thank you for hearing me complain and celebrating my victories with me. You make me a better person.
Mom, Dad and James: Thank you for the support and guidance you have always given and continue to give me. I cannot put into words how important you are to me.
744 and everyone in it: Thank you to this house for being home to so many of us. If those walls could talk – which in some ways they do – they would tell us about the great history we are a part of. At the end of it all, we are each a blip on the great timeline of The Daily Orange. It is not about the resume or the clips, it is about the people you meet, the people you cover, the people who came before us and the people who will come after us. I am proud every day to have gotten to witness the talent of the students at this organization. Thank you for laughter and love. Thank you letting me be a small piece of history. Thank you for representing this campus and its students. Thank you all for teaching me to understand the value of not just journalism, but student journalism.