Common Council considers proposal to build low-income housing on Westside

The housing would be located at 135 State Fair Blvd. Hieu Nguyen | Asst. Photo Editor
The Syracuse Common Council will vote next week on a proposal to build affordable housing units on the city’s Westside.
If passed, the ordinance will authorize a tax exemption agreement with Star Park Housing Development Fund Corporation to construct 50 affordable housing units at 135 State Fair Blvd.
John Warren, executive director of Central New York Services, said the organization plans to use 20 of the units for affordable housing — 10 single bedroom units, 10 two-bedroom units — and 30 of the units for people who have struggled with mental health issues. CNY Services is a behavioral health organization based in Syracuse.
“This is a place where people live,” Warren said. “This is not a treatment facility.”
The management would be split. Christopher Community, a non-profit organization that specializes in housing for seniors, families and people with disabilities, would manage the building and make sure applicants are properly eligible. CNY Services would help tenants if they need case management or support.
Councilor at-large Khalid Bey spoke highly of the organization’s current housing programs.
“All of the properties I’ve seen have been pretty well maintained and well kept, and services are well enough to where they almost go unnoticed,” Bey said. “They’ve demonstrated … the ability to be a great neighbor.”
Other business
Pam Brunet, executive director of Leadership Greater Syracuse, asked the council to appropriate $15,000 of the 2018-19 budget to fund the CNY Political Leadership Institute and Nourishing Tomorrow’s Leaders programs.
Councilor at-large Timothy Rudd said he was a graduate of the Political Leadership Institute and that he appreciated the program.
Councilors also discussed the following proposals:
- Authorizing the use of a code enforcement officer to perform housing inspections for people who participate in the Tenant Rental Agreement program.
- Approving a contract with Pro-Act Inc. to supply and administer flu shots for up to 350 city personnel.
- Permitting a local property owner to build stairs and a bike rack that would encroach into the Comstock Street and Comstock Avenue rights of way.