Orange STEM: 2017 science highlights — physics, flat Earth, CRISPR, wildfires

From "Flat Earthers" to net neutrality to the Keystone Pipeline, there was a lot to keep up with in 2017. Stephen Shepherd and his guest, Lynjen Lu, break it down for you. Ali Harford | Senior Design Editor
This week Stephen Shepherd and his guest Lynjen Lu, a Syracuse University senior studying biology and earth science, discuss science highlights from 2017. Shepherd and Lu are both brothers of the Pi chapter of Alpha Chi Sigma professional chemistry fraternity.
In The D.O.’s biweekly science podcast, Orange STEM, Stephen Shepherd — a Syracuse University graduate student studying chemistry and forensic science — explores science topics with guests relating to science news affecting the university and nearby areas.
- SU contributes to gravitational waves Nobel Prize in Physics
- SU physicists see stars collide to make gold
- Flat Earth support sadly rising
- Amateur astronaut wants to launch himself in homemade rocket to prove Earth is flat
- Flat Earthers meet officially for the first time
- CRISPR in action
- Neil DeGrasse Tyson & Tech Insider explain what would happen if Earth were flat
- High speed AFM video of CRISPR
- California wildfires
- New color for extreme fire weather conditions—purple
- 2017 solar eclipse
- Keystone pipeline failure
- Net neutrality
- Ten vaccine myths debunked
- Climate change myths vs. what the science says
- Tax plan could make college financially inaccessible, graduate students say