Duck: Amanda Caffey

Casey Russell | Head Illustrator
Asst. Video Editor | Fall 2016; Video Editor | Spring–Fall 2017
Every night I tell my roommates I need to run to The Daily Orange really quick and I’ll be home in an hour. Roughly five hours later, I finally make my way home.
I applied to be a design editor at the end of my freshman year, and I am so grateful that Justin, Mara and Chloe said no. A few weeks later, I got an interview to be the video editor. We did not have much of a video presence, there was no precedent to follow or any rules, so D.O. Video would become what we wanted to make it. Video has grown into something we should be so proud of, but that would not have been possible without all the people who have touched this team. I am incredibly thankful for a safe place to be creative, find constructive criticism and learn about storytelling.
Not only have I had the opportunity to be a part of such a great paper (and web presence), I have made some incredible friends along the way.
Justin, Alexa and Alexa: Thank you for always fostering our ideas and never letting us cut corners. We would have never been able to do what we did with Video without you being so supportive.
Jacob Gedetsis: You always made me feel welcome in a place where I was very much the outsider. Thank you for always challenging me to be a part of The D.O., for challenging us to make Video something more than it had ever been and for your patience while we were getting there. This paper has changed the direction of what I want to do with my life, and I wouldn’t have stuck around if it weren’t for you. Also, I am a seed and I don’t skip class.
Griffin Morrow: We miss looking at your face on the rare occasion you showed up. Thanks for being there when this all started.
Rachel Sandler: I am so happy you were laid off from Bleu Monkey because not seeing you this last semester would have been brutal. You never cease to light up a room when you walk in! Thank you for helping us make Video so much more.
Emma: You made so much happen this semester in terms of digital presence, and I am so happy to have been a tiny part of that! Thanks for challenging us to be more creative.
Andy: You made so many things happen at The D.O. that never existed before (@snapchat and #DOFormal). Thank you for being there every night ready to uncover the latest and greatest royalty-free hits!
Lucy: Thanks for letting me live at your house for a few days.
Katie: One semester was not nearly enough with you! Thank you for all you have taught me, and I cannot wait to see all that you will accomplish.
Brigid, Lizzie and contributing videographers: We did more than I could have ever imagined in terms of video production, and that would not have been possible without your help. When this team started, there was only two of us (more like one and a half), but now we have more than 20 people who have said they want to be a part of Video at The D.O., and that speaks volumes to what you have done. Thank you.
Brigid: I cannot believe that it took this long for our paths to cross, but I am so happy that they crossed at The D.O. The D.O. has been home away from home for so long, and I cannot imagine it without you. Thank you for loving life and loving us as much as we love you. Can’t wait to rock the contributing videographer team with you!
Lizzie: Not only did I get to share something at Syracuse that means so much to me, but we also got to share PALS. Thank you for sharing your passion for storytelling and your heart for people. I cannot wait to see where you take Video.
Tomer: Our love-hate relationship was definitely way more love than hate. I have never met someone with such a humble personality and a genuine love for people. Thank you for always being around.
Satoshi: Satosh, you have taught me so much about what it means to be a journalist. I am honored to have seen you in your sweats in D.C., but keep rockin’ the suit!
Ally Moreo: Your heart for people is incredible! Thank you for being my first friend at The D.O. and always knowing exactly what to say.
Ali Harford: I have loved watching you from afar. You are such a talented designer and I cannot wait to see where you take the paper from here. Keep loving life!
Digital: Thank you for being my favorite room in the house! We made so many ideas happen in this room, and it is all thanks to the amazing people on our team. In moving the rock, I have had the opportunity to cover things I never thought about and be a small part of some really big things.
Sports boys: There is never a dull moment when y’all are around! Three semesters ago, I decided I wanted to get my name on the Sports mac board, and it happened. Sorry for always pestering you about videos, but we did more than most papers do with such little access. Thanks for your video ideas and for always being my entertainment for the evening. P.S. Andrew Graham — happy birthday!
D.O. parties: From just a quick drop-in with some random person you have never met to staying the whole time, thanks for believing in me.
Everyone else: Thank you for giving me a reason to hang out until all hours of the night. You have all made my time at Syracuse all the more special, and I cannot thank you enough for making Video a part of your paper.