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Report: Syracuse resident forcibly touched women on SU campus

Report: Syracuse resident forcibly touched women on SU campus

Dennis Smalley Jr. was in court Friday to ask for a lower bail regarding the incident, but City Court Judge Karen Uplinger kept the bail as it had originally been set. Daily Orange File Photo

A Syracuse resident has been charged for unlawfully entering a Syracuse University dorm and forcibly touching a woman there, according to

Dennis Smalley Jr. was in court Friday to ask for a lower bail regarding the incident, but City Court Judge Karen Uplinger kept the bail as it had originally been set at $25,000 or $50,000 bond, per

Smalley was arrested in early April after a joint investigation between the Department of Public Safety and Syracuse Police Department’s Abused Persons Unit identified him as the suspect in a “suspicious man” incident that occurred on SU’s campus. DPS issued a public safety alert, warning students that a man had approached several women on campus asking a number of questions that made them uncomfortable. Smalley is currently being held at the Onondaga County Justice Center.

Aside from being charged for allegedly entering the dorm, Smalley is also accused of touching another woman on campus, according to The dorm Smalley entered was not identified in the article.

Prosecutor Jarret Woodfork argued Friday that Smalley burglarized the dorm and Smalley exposed himself to one victim, before “grinding” on her, per Smalley groped the other victim.

According to, Woodfork did not specify which victim Smalley exposed himself to and which victim he groped.

Smalley was charged with burglary in the second degree, criminal trespassing in the second degree and two counts of forcible touching following his arrest earlier this month.