9 stories to help you pass a current events quiz (Aug. 29 – Sept. 5)

This week, the FBI released its notes from their investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server and Trump took a hard line on immigration. Moriah Ratner | Senior Staff Photographer
Gene Wilder dies
Gene Wilder, who was known for his roles in “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory,” “Stir Crazy” and “Young Frankenstein” died last Monday at 83 years old due to complications of Alzheimer’s disease.
More: Gene Wilder
Huma Abedin announces split from Anthony Weiner
Top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin announced she is separating from husband and former Rep. Anthony Weiner after the New York Post reported last week that he was involved in yet another sexting scandal.
More: Huma Abedin
Chris Brown arrested
Chris Brown was arrested on Tuesday after a woman claimed that the singer pointed a gun in her face while she was at his home in Los Angeles. In response, Brown’s lawyer called the woman’s claims “fabricated” and that police searched Brown’s house and did not find any guns.
More: Chris Brown arrest
Trump buckles down on immigration
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump reiterated his hardline stance on immigration after it seemed he was beginning to soften his position on mass deportations after visiting Mexico. Speaking in Arizona on Thursday, Trump said he would commit to deporting all undocumented immigrants in the country, which has been a core plank in his campaign platform.
More: Trump on immigration
Hurricane Hermine hits Florida and moves up the East Coast
Hurricane Hermine struck the northeast coast of Florida on Friday and has since been moving up the East Coast, leaving parts of Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas with widespread power outages and flooding. Two people have died as a result of the storm in Florida and North Carolina, but it is expected to weaken and move off land by mid-week.
More: Hurricane Hermine
FBI releases Clinton email investigation notes
The FBI released its notes from the agency’s investigation into Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State. The notes reveal, among other things, that Clinton told investigators that she did not know that documents marked “c” meant they were classified.
More: Clinton emails
Mother Teresa becomes a saint
Pope Francis canonized Mother Teresa in front of a massive crowd at the Vatican on Sunday. The move makes the famed Catholic nun a saint, just 19 years after her death in 1997.
More: Mother Teresa
Jacob Wetterling remains found
The remains of Jacob Wetterling, an 11-year-old boy who went missing in 1989, were found on Sunday near the abduction site in rural Minnesota. A man who was originally questioned in the case gave local authorities information that led them to the remains.
More: Jacob Wetterling
Barack Obama cancels meeting with Philippines president
President Barak Obama cancelled a meeting with Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte after he called Obama a “son of a whore.” The insult came after Duterte warned Obama not to bring up the country’s extrajudicial killings of drug criminals, which have been widely condemned by human rights groups.
More: Philippines president