News to watch out for this weekend

(From Left) Rose Marie Diana, Zachary Johnson and James Diana meet in Dineen Hall during the previous Valor Day on the Syracuse University campus. Chase Guttman | Staff Photographer
Here’s a glimpse at some of this weekend’s major events:
College of Law hosts Valor Day
Active duty service members, veterans and their families will be able to receive free legal, financial and career advice Saturday from attorneys at Dineen Hall. Valor Day is organized by the student-run organization Veterans Issues, Support Initiative and Outreach Network (VISION).
The attorneys that will be on hand are experts in a variety of fields related to veterans’ needs, including personal tax review services, resume critiques and credit counseling. This is the sixth Valor Day being held at the Syracuse University College of Law. The event will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Caribbean Cinematic Festival
The Humanities Center will be screening “Earth, Water, Woman” at the Caribbean Cinematic Festival on Saturday at 1 p.m. “Earth, Water, Woman” is about a small community in Trinidad and Tobago that is a model for conservation. The film is 22 minutes long, according to an SU News release.
The film festival spans four days and will feature numerous films, talks and food. It will take place at the Community Folk Art Center on East Genesee Street.
Entertainment & Sports Law Symposium
The College of Law’s Entertainment and Sports Law Society is hosting panels and a keynote address from SU alumnus and firstround NFL draft pick Tim Green this Saturday. The Entertainment and Sports Law Symposium will bring together lawyers, industry practitioners and professors to discuss the latest trends in entertainment and sports law.
Six of the 10 panelists are SU alumni, according to SU News. Buffalo News sports reporter Nick Veronica will moderate. The symposium will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
IVMF hosts business competition
The Institute for Veterans and Military Families will host the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities (EBV) National Training & Alumni Conference this weekend in Charlotte, North Carolina.
The yearly event will also include the D’Aniello Family Foundation Business Plan Competition, in which 10 veteran entrepreneurs will compete for part of the $110,000 prize. The competitors submitted small business plans that they hope to pursue. They will all compete on Saturday, with the top four continuing onto the finals on Sunday.
Hip Hop Civics Education
Bettina Love, an associate professor at the University of Georgia, will give a speech Thursday in Maxwell Auditorium on intersectionality and how to encourage civic engagement in students, according to SU’s School of Education website. Her talk, “Imagining Mattering: Hip Hop Civics Ed, Intersectionality, & Black Joy,” is part of the Douglas P. Biklen Landscape of Urban Education Lecture Series hosted by the School of Education.
Love has won numerous awards for her work in hip-hop education for youth. The event will be at 5:30 p.m.