DPS: No security problems with Vice President Joe Biden’s visit

There were no problems with security for Vice President Joe Biden's visit to SU on Thursday. Police blocked off parts of the road and increased security around Schine. Logan Reidsma | Photo Editor
There were no breaches in security during Vice President Joe Biden’s Thursday visit to Syracuse University, police said.
Attendees, which filled Goldstein Auditorium to its 1,500-person capacity, were required to go through “airport-like” security prior to entering the auditorium. Outside of the Schine Student Center, streets around the building were closed for part of the day. Schine did remain open to the public throughout the course of the day, but each person who entered the building also went through security.
Biden spoke for about 25 minutes. A source told The Daily Orange that after Biden left Schine, he went to Dineen Hall.