‘Cuse Fan Council Council shows interest in fan feedback, but will not increase game attendance
Syracuse Athletics’ creation of the ’Cuse Fan Council is a thoughtful approach to tackling issues that directly affect the game experience.
SU Athletics announced Wednesday it would open up applications for the council, which was created to foster dialogue between Orange fans, alumni, donors, current students and the Department of Athletics. According to Syracuse.com, the group will be led by Deputy Director of Athletics John Cunningham, who named low attendance at football games one of the areas he thinks the council can help solve.
The council is a progressive approach in creating a direct relationship and line of communication with game attendees to improve the overall fan experience. However, SU Athletics must acknowledge that efforts to increase football attendance will likely not be met with successful results unless the football team starts winning more games.
But this doesn’t mean the council is a wasted effort.
With the group set to discuss different issues including ticket sales and other subjects relating to intercollegiate athletics events, according to cuse.com, its creation was a smart move on behalf of the athletics department.
The fact that Cunningham is leading the council sends the clear message that his appointment was a conscious decision on behalf of athletic director Mark Coyle, considering Coyle and Cunningham have worked together previously at Boise State University on a similar initiative.
The entire concept of the council highlights Coyle’s efforts to improve the athletics program in the best interest of the everyday fan, as the group provides a space in which feedback has the potential to make meaningful improvements for game attendees. This outreach also marks a change in direction from past athletic directors in that Coyle is actively engaging fans for their opinions, rather than solely working behind the scenes.
It is important to note that these improvements have the potential to generate increased attendance in the long run, as season-ticket holders may be more inclined to attend more games throughout the season after having a positive experience. However, for the council to reach its full potential, its members must come from diverse perspectives, including student fans, off-campus fans and long-time season-ticket holders.
Though the ’Cuse Fan Council poses an opportunity to organize tangible change for the current conditions of the game experience, SU Athletics must recognize its limitations. There are certain realities that the council cannot change, and the outcome of a game is one of them.