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Syracuse Police Department investigates multiple shootings during Fourth of July weekend

Syracuse Police Department investigates multiple shootings during Fourth of July weekend

Ten people were shot and wounded in a span of less than 24 hours in the city of Syracuse on Saturday and Sunday.

On Saturday around 10:24 p.m., four people were shot at the southeast corner of Rich Street and Bellevue Avenue, according to an SPD release.

A group of people were standing and watching fireworks in the area when an unknown suspect or suspects fired several shots into the crowd, injuring four people, according to the release.

The victims include a 24-year-old woman who was shot in the shoulder, a 17-year-old man who was shot in the elbow, a 24-year-old man who was shot in the arm and a 19-year-old man who was shot in the back. All four victims’ injuries are not being considered life-threatening and are being treated at Upstate University Hospital, according to the release.

There is currently no suspect information for this investigation, according to the release.

SPD is also investigating a shooting that occurred in the 500 block of Westmoreland Avenue on Sunday around 12:30 a.m., according to a separate SPD release.

A 29-year-old man was found by SPD upon their arrival suffering from several gunshot wounds to his back, buttocks and legs, according to the release.

Witnesses on the scene said that a black man wearing all black clothing approached the victim and shot him several times, according to the release.

The victim is currently in stable condition, according to the second SPD report.

In addition, SPD is investigating a shooting of two people near the 1600 block of E. Fayette Street on Sunday around 2:10 p.m., according to a third SPD release.

Upon SPD’s arrival, they located the victims, who were both men and ages 28 and 27, respectively. The 28-year-old man was suffering from several gunshot wounds and the 27-year-old was suffering from a single gunshot wound to his buttocks, according to the release.

Both men are expected to survive their injuries, according to the release.

According to the third SPD release, the two men were sitting by a vacant residence in the 1600 block of E. Fayette Street when suspects driving a red-colored SUV pulled up to the residence and fired several shots. The suspects fled east on E. Fayette Street and then south on Columbus Avenue in the SUV. No description of the suspects was given.

The three shootings are in addition to a shooting in Thornden Park, near the Syracuse University campus, on Saturday night around 7:45 p.m. in which three people were shot and wounded. One victim is in critical condition.