DPS should focus on preventative efforts
In the past year, the Syracuse University Department of Public Safety installed more security cameras and increased patrol on weekend nights. The university also established the Division of Campus Safety and Emergency Management. While these efforts should not go unnoticed, DPS should focus on more preventative measures, rather than reactionary.
The increase in security cameras, which are largely used to identify suspects, and the introduction of body cameras, which are currently being tested, only truly become useful after a crime is committed.
The preventative measure DPS is currently discussing is the installation of 900 additional electronic locks on classroom doors, which is largely in response to the attempted break-ins and burglaries that occurred at Newhouse II last February.
But DPS should consider doing more.
Just as security measures were altered at Bird Library last year, allowing students access only through the Waverly Avenue side entrance with their SU ID past 8 p.m., similar action should be taken in all academic buildings on campus.
Currently all academic buildings have a card swipe access system that permits students to enter in evening hours. While this measure is good in theory, it is very easy for non-students to enter with students because no one is there to check IDs. DPS should consider instituting a similar policy as that which is in place at Bird; making entrance possible at only one door and having a DPS officer on duty to check the IDs who those who enter.
If DPS officers cannot man all of these stations, a similar staff of students who are trained just as Residential Security Aides are should be implemented to take on this responsibility.
Another preventative measure to help ensure campus safety is to make DPS officers more visible throughout the day. DPS patrol cars are easily spotted around the SU campus, but DPS officers on foot patrol are not such a common sight. DPS should continue to distribute officers who patrol residential halls, and should consider taking the same approach to all areas of campus — academic buildings and the Quad included.
DPS should continue its concerted effort to make SU a safer place, and also consider implementing more precautionary tactics.