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Editorial Board

Be S.U.R.E. campaign will benefit campus, should set long term goal

Be S.U.R.E. campaign will benefit campus, should set long term goal

The recently launched “Got Consent? Be S.U.R.E.” campaign at Syracuse University is a positive addition to the efforts to combat sexual assault on campus. The campaign should continue its momentum and partner with other organizations on campus, as well as have the long-term goal of changing the judicial policies to explicitly define what consent means.

The campaign promotes the idea of affirmative consent, with “Be S.U.R.E.” standing for “shared understanding, respectful and enthusiastic” before engaging in any sexual activity with another person. The campaign plans to raise awareness and help students understand what consent is, how to ask for it, what it isn’t and why they need it.

Helping students understand the definition of consent is important to diminishing the culture of sexual assault on campus. Currently, SU does not have an affirmative consent policy. In its Sexual Activity policy, the university defines non-consensual activities as “situations where the victim is unable to consent because he/she is physically helpless, or is mentally incapacitated due to drug or alcohol consumption, or is unconscious, regardless of whether or not the consumption was with the victim’s consent.” While this policy does say that those who are incapacitated cannot give consent, the policy is lacking language that defines affirmative consent. If the policy can be revised to use language that better includes a policy of affirmative consent, this could help in judicial circumstances if students approach the university with problems.

The campaign is also working with Greek organizations to help spread awareness that affirmative consent is an integral part of a safe campus environment. Be S.U.R.E. could also consider collaborating with BE Wise, a campaign that raises awareness about the signs of alcohol poisoning. As lines of consent are often blurred when alcohol is involved, Be S.U.R.E. should work with the organization to determine how students should handle consent when under the influence of alcohol.

The launch of the Be S.U.R.E. campaign is a positive asset to campus and it should utilize this opportunity to not only raise awareness, but to enact change.