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SU should install gender-neutral bathrooms

SU should install gender-neutral bathrooms

Syracuse University needs to increase the number of single-occupancy gender-neutral bathrooms on campus.

In December 2012, SU alumna and then-student Erin Carheart conducted a study of gender-neutral bathrooms on campus. Of the 137 bathrooms in 17 of the most-trafficked buildings, only eight restrooms were single-occupancy and gender-neutral. The University Senate’s Committee on LGBT Concerns plans on discussing the lack of gender-neutral bathrooms when the committee meets on Wednesday.

The lack of gender-neutral bathrooms on campus creates a non-inclusive and uncomfortable environment for transgender people, people who identify as gender non-conforming and people who are perceived as gender non-conforming. Within the past few years, SU has made progress by installing single-occupancy gender- bathrooms in residence halls such as Lawrinson, Sadler and Haven. The university should continue this progress by installing gender-neutral bathrooms whenever dorms are renovated.
But more attention needs to be paid to on-campus buildings like Schine Student Center, Bird Library and even the Carrier Dome. Students should not feel anxiety over what bathroom to use when leaving their dorms. And any transgender person visiting campus or attending a game at the Carrier Dome should not feel uncomfortable when faced with the choice of only men’s and women’s restroom.

Creating gender-neutral, single occupancy bathrooms will also benefit people with disabilities who need extra space or assistance, parents with young children and anyone who does not feel comfortable using a communal restroom. A transition to gender-neutral bathrooms wouldn’t inconvenience anyone, and would benefit many.

While an eventual change to all bathrooms would be ideal, the university should start by adding more single-occupancy gender-neutral bathrooms to those high-traffic buildings. Gender-neutral bathrooms could be installed during building renovations. For example, while Bird Library is undergoing renovations, the university should consider adding gender-neutral bathrooms.

Installing gender-neutral bathrooms in buildings and dorms is an important step for the university in creating a more inclusive and comfortable environment for everyone on campus.