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Letter to the Editor

Alumnus responds to SU’s No. 1 party school ranking

Alumnus responds to SU’s No. 1 party school ranking

I can’t think of another prestigious academic institution that’s routinely criticized as much as is our envied alma mater.  Historically, much of the criticism has come from defensive Ivy Leaguers who’ve taken exception to the old time-tested saying, “Syracuse University is almost Ivy League.” 

Of course, our school would’ve been included among the Ivies had Ezra Cornell built his school on our hill, but all other things being equal, I prefer the name “Syracuse” to “Cornell” anyway.

Now we’re informed in 2014 that Syracuse has been labeled the nation’s No. 1 party school.  After all the other insults though, the only surprise about this one is that it took so long to appear. But the facts remain in our favor.  Students at Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Dartmouth revel as much, if not more, than those at Syracuse, and the accomplishments of Syracuse alumni continually rival the very best of the Ivy League.  As another saying goes, “Rich kids go to the Ivy League, smart kids go to Syracuse.”

Ivan Smason, Ph.D., J.D.
B.S., College of Arts and Sciences, 1985