Playboy reaction article in The Daily Orange fails to accurately portray ESF campus
I am sure you are aware by now that your article, “ESF students react to low Playboy Magazine party rating,” was just as poorly received by ESF students as the original article by Playboy.
Considering that The Daily Orange is held to the highest standards of journalism, it would have been more beneficial to interview students from our school that are either not freshmen students who have barely had a month to figure out the party scene — much less make friends with all the upperclassmen who live off campus and do party — and a senior transfer who probably is too tied up in transferring to such a high-caliber school such as ESF to find time to party and try and graduate on time.
If you were to use your journalism skills to dig a little deeper into our school’s culture, you would have found several ESF-member bands that regularly hold shows in backyards, basements and events on campus. You would also know that “Oakfest,” an all ESF-student-organized yard party, was recently changed to “Redfest,” held on Redfield last year and was an extraordinary success, far by eclipsing SU’s faculty-mandated MayFest.
Additionally, our campus holds regular events called “Thank goodness it is Friday” once a month in our beloved Nifkin Lounge, in which free food and alcoholic drinks, if you are over 21, are served. Did I mention for free? These events are frequented by local bands that play while students and professors mingle after a hard week of work that most university students can only imagine.
The only thing that Playboy and your article reported as correct is the high standard our school is held to and the probability of an ESF grad becoming your boss one day. The students at this school understand what it is like to study an exceptional amount and receive an education that has been recognized in several publications that far surpass Playboy in their integrity. Here at ESF we recognized work hard, play harder and if the reporters from Playboy or The Daily Orange had any intention of uncovering our party ethics at work, they would have found our rating much higher on anybody’s list.
Next time The Daily Orange would like to run a commentary piece on the life of a Stumpy, please consider contacting our news staff here at ESF’s newspaper, The Knothole, or any ESF employee at your publication.
Thank you for your time,
Brigitte Moneymaker
Class of 2014, environmental science
Copy Editor, The Knothole