Letter to the Editor : Sports Management Club endorses Taylor Carr for SA president
On behalf of the Sport Management Club at Syracuse University, I would like endorse Taylor Carr for Student Association president.
The Sport Management Club at SU is a student-run organization recognized by the David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics and the Department of Sport Management. Our goal is to provide experiential learning and community service opportunities to all SU students to enhance their sport industry experience and allow them to serve the Greater Syracuse Community.
In addition to the vast charitable contributions generated through our annual Charity Sports Auction, we have also set a high standard for community service. In six years, our members have raised more than $125,000 for nonprofit organizations and completed more than 5,000 hours of community service within Syracuse. Because of our commitment to civic engagement, we value Carr’s initiative to mandate the members of SA to partake in projects ‘off the Hill’ to further engage with the community. Community service is important to us as an organization, and we look forward to working with SA in continuing to better the Syracuse area.
Furthermore, as athletics transitions both to the Atlantic Coast Conference and possibly moving some home football games to the Meadowlands Stadium, it is important to consider the implications this puts on students as well. As students interested in the sports industry and its future, we believe that it is vital to have a leader who has experience in interacting with the athletic administration to ensure the student voice is heard during these transitions.
Carr’s dedication to improving the university and student life is seen through his hard work on the Non-Traditional Student Commission, his time at the Residence Hall Association, his cyberbullying resolution and his position as chair of SA’s Student Life Committee. Carr has proven that he can work with a wide range of student organizations to achieve great results quickly and effectively. His success in bettering campus life is true evidence that Carr will be a great leader for this university.
On behalf of the Sport Management Club, the Sport Management Club Executive Board and all active members, I hereby state our official endorsement of Taylor Carr for the president of the 56th session of Student Association here at SU.
Sport Management Club
Syracuse University