Letter to the Editor : Former GSO president endorses Howie Hawkins for Common Council
As a former Graduate Student Organization president from 1997-98, I think the university community should take a long, warm look at voting for Howie Hawkins (Row F for future, on the bottom line) for the upcoming Common Council race on Tuesday.
Hawkins understands that we need a progressive agenda for this city to avoid bankruptcy. He understands issues like snow removal, absentee landlord ‘fails’ and the need for better bus service and a bike/pedestrian friendly place to live. He wants a community hiring hall; a municipal development bank to promote fair hiring for those without ‘connections’ at City Hall; and to promote the creation of living wage jobs ó at least $13 an hour plus health care. Both ideas have worked elsewhere.
In addition to his previous campaigns, including the Living Wage Campaign, now law, and the Citizen Review Board, now law, he has promoted clean, affordable energy through a municipal power company like in Solvay, N.Y., where residents pay less than half of what we pay. In some cases, off-campus student households pay as much as 50 percent of their monthly rent on their heating bill.
Finally, he has his eye on the ball and does his homework. He is focused on making the top 1 percent in this state, namely millionaires, pay their fair share so the 99 percent of us don’t have to continue to lay off hundreds of teachers; cut crime-preventing, after-school programs; and cut two fire fighters and police officers from every shift. He says that the city has to speak up for itself and fight back. Hawkins also cares about the necessity of speech and assembly rights on and off campus for a healthy democracy, despite the troubling patterns that seem to persist.
Voting locations include SU’s Bird Library, Erwin First Methodist Church on Euclid Avenue, Ed Smith Elementary on Broad Street or the Petit Branch Library on Victoria Place off of Westcott Street. In previous elections, the campus community has determined who wins, so if you decide to vote, you will decide who wins. The Post-Standard endorsed Howie Hawkins, saying, ‘His progressive ideas, common-sense approach and undaunted quest for an opportunity to serve make him the stronger candidate.’ Itís time.
Zac Moore
GSO President, 1997-98